Robust Limit Switches

There are many limit switches and sensors on the market, but only a few of them are designed for use under harsh conditions. Mechanical limit switches are used for position monitoring of flexible machine parts.

Kiepe Limit Switches are force-fit, electromechanic switches with positive breaking contacts in solid, robust design. They are available in various enclosure variants and with different actuating levers.

Your Kontakt

Birgit Sacha Teamleader /Productmanager Industry

Kiepe-Platz 1
40599 Düsseldorf
Deutschland - Germany

Phone: +49 (0) 211 74 97-0

Overview Robust Limit Switches

Limit Switch VG

enclosure: Aluminum - roller lever, spring and wobble rod contact configuration depending on variant: 1 NC + 1 NO or 2 NC + 2 NO Note: The head of limit switch can be turned and fixed in 90° steps.

Limit Switch HER

enclosure: Aluminum - roller lever contact configuration: 2 changeover contacts (positive opening)

Limit Switch REL

Limit Switch REL enclosure: cast iron - roller lever on interlocked axle contact configuration: 2 changeover contacts (positive opening)

Overview EX Robust Limit Switches


HER EX Zone 21 and /or 22: combustible, conductive dust - enclosure: Aluminum - material of roller: brass - switching points: 5°..15° and 15°..35° (adjustable) HER EX xxx 2D : devices for Zone 21 and 22 (2D) HER EX xxx 3D : devices for Zone 22 (3D)


Zone 21 and /or 22: combustible, conductive dust - enclosure: cast iron - material of roller: brass, verzahnte Welle - switching points: 5°..15° and 15°..35° (adjustable) REL EX xxx 2D : devices for Zone 21 and 22 (2D) REL EX xxx 3D : devices for Zone 22 (3D)

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